Vladislav Bakalchuk approached Pavel Durov with a request.
In his Telegram channel, the co-founder of Wildberries called for not transferring the rights to the channels to OOO RVB.
As Bakalchuk claims in the publication, he has already sent a corresponding letter to Pavel Durov.
As the businessman noted, the channels he mentioned are an integral part of the assets and provide high commercial value.
It is noted that Bakalchuk shared a copy of the letter from the legal agency IQ Technology. According to the experts' conclusion, the co-founder of the popular marketplace was warned that the rights to administer the channels would be transferred to third parties.
However, these rights are part of the jointly acquired property of Vladislav Bakalchuk and his wife Tatyana, who is currently suing him, intending to dissolve the marriage.
According to Bakalchuk, the cost of channels in Telegram is estimated at around 140 million rubles, based on the average cost of a quality subscriber of around 400 rubles.