A new study by scientists has shown that physical activity can help extend life by 5 years.
Physical activity after age 40 significantly increases your chances of living longer.
Researchers studied the population's mobility levels using accelerometers. The resulting data, published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, confirmed that the benefits of exercise are twice as great as previously thought.
Scientists have found that the most active people have a 73 percent lower risk of death.
It is reported that even an hour-long walk will add 6 hours of life to those who are sedentary.
The study found that physical activity was comparable in importance to quitting smoking.
Regular exercise protects against heart disease, including strokes and heart attacks.
Experts believe that even a small increase in movement will have a significant effect.
Life expectancy can be influenced by: gender, genetics, level of healthcare, hygiene, diet, physical activity, lifestyle and social environment.
It has been proven that 15 minutes of laughter prolongs life by 5 minutes, improving the functioning of the heart and lungs.
Blueberries and strawberries improve blood pressure and have anti-cancer properties.