Stress has become a daily reality for many people.
And this has created one hidden danger: Not everyone realizes how constant stress affects the brain.
If a person regularly experiences stress, this condition becomes chronic, which has a severe impact on health.
There are several psychological tricks that will help you protect yourself from factors that constantly provoke stress.
You shouldn't grab your phone immediately after waking up and read everything in a row.
The information received in the first hours of the day largely determines the nature of the rest of the day.
The more positive, the better the mood and even negative news is perceived less acutely.
It is important to tune in to a positive attitude from the first minutes after waking up, to concentrate only on positive things.
Self-criticism is sometimes useful, but not always, and it is better not to get carried away with self-flagellation.
Constant negative self-talk causes stress and makes it difficult to concentrate and receive useful information.
It's not just internal attitudes that help keep stress levels under control.
Nutrition also determines a lot. It has been proven that unhealthy food not only leads to obesity and premature aging, but also increases stress.
The insidious thing about this situation is that stress makes you eat even more unhealthy food. It turns into a dangerous cycle that is hard to get out of.
Therefore, to protect yourself from stress, you should also review your diet and implement attitudes that will help you look at yourself and the world around you in a more positive light.