How to Recognize a Fool: 8 Sure Signs

02.08.2024 05:10

A fool never admits his shortcomings.

Therefore, it can be easily calculated by a reliable sign. In addition, it brushes aside common truths.

Do you have doubts from time to time? Do you see your flaws with the naked eye?

Do you consider yourself not a smart enough person? It turns out that you are a reasonable individual, congratulations!

These signs give away all narrow-minded people.

Photo: Pixabay

A stupid person is completely devoid of hobbies. He does not develop in any way, does not read books. He can only have everyday interests.

A fool will never look for something he enjoys. He sees no point in the hobbies that most normal people have. When he is offered a new skill to learn, he resolutely refuses.

In most cases, a fool's vocabulary is very limited. However, he has an excellent command of the minimal set of words that is stored in his stupid head. A fool is always angry with people who use abstruse terms, complex phrases and incomprehensible definitions in their speech. He can even insult a well-read and literate counterpart.

A stupid person does not admit his own mistakes.

He is ready to quickly shift the blame to another person, just to avoid being responsible for his actions. The fool does not understand that the unwillingness to admit his own mistakes slows him down. Instead of moving forward, he sorts things out with people, unfairly accusing them.

A stupid person laughs even at old banal jokes that everyone knows by heart.

Modern people call such jokes "bayan". They do not cause laughter, because they are known to everyone. But a stupid person does not care. He will laugh merrily at a bearded anecdote that he has heard many times. The surrounding people can only be surprised and twist their fingers at their temples.

A stupid person often fails on the love front.

Of course, there are some specimens that feel great alone. But that's not the point now.

If a fool is lucky enough to find a partner, the latter will willingly fool him and humiliate him in every possible way. The fact is that a decent person will not voluntarily get involved with a stupid person. This is what a mercenary type, an abuser, a slacker or a swindler is capable of.

But not every fool is so simple and pliable. There are also fools who persistently wait for a prince or princess. Because of their pickiness and shortsightedness, they miss out on worthy potential partners. Their waiting turns into endless loneliness.

A stupid person does not have his own point of view and listens to other people's advice.

He perceives what he is told and shown. This individual trusts all people who speak confidently and look quite serious. He is too lazy to check the truth of elementary information and facts. If a friend says that gastritis cannot be cured, he will not set a goal to restore his health. If they write on the Internet that idleness prolongs life, he will begin to be lazy with redoubled force.

A stupid person is not distinguished by intelligence and curiosity even in childhood - he studies poorly and has no talents.

He is easily cornered by elementary school questions. Whatever subject you take, the fool “swims” in it. He is bad at exact sciences, he makes spelling and grammar mistakes. Mental arithmetic is an unattainable peak for him (even the simplest addition and subtraction).

A stupid person is completely devoid of tact.

He readily asserts himself at the expense of others, does not hesitate to say nasty things to his interlocutors. He does not care that his words are absolutely inappropriate. The fool is very talkative. It is not difficult for him to raise a dozen topics in one conversation. The problem is that he cannot talk about one thing for long. The stupid individual starts talking about the weather, then switches to art and ends the conversation with thoughts about the future. As a result, the fool himself loses his train of thought.

How to stop this crazy monologue? Just stop answering the fool or declare your desire to interrupt the empty conversation.

A stupid person ascribes to himself non-existent qualities, tries to enter into a role that he does not correspond to.

That's why he seems ridiculous and funny to those around him. The fool tries to seem serious and successful. But in reality, he once again gives himself away.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Editor of Internet resources