As we age, our communication with certain friends gradually begins to fade away.
The circle of interests changes, which has a detrimental effect on communications.
In addition, the lack of free time provokes a gradual fading of friendly relations with certain people.
However, there is a simple way that can help you make friends at any age and under any circumstances.
It is enough to remember three simple phrases – they will become the “key” to the beginning of friendship.
By praising a particular item of clothing of a potential friend, you thereby set the conversation in a friendly mood.
Don't be afraid to compliment the people around you. Such a gesture is guaranteed to be appreciated positively.
The other person will become sympathetic to you if you ask his opinion on this or that issue.
Remember that people like it when you ask about their position.
A potential friend will appreciate the fact that you trust them enough to ask for advice.
Moreover, the relevant questions can concern both everyday situations and directly relate to hobbies, for example, books, films, music, and so on.
Previously we talked about how to stop calling your ex- boyfriend .