Many housewives encounter situations when fatty food falls on the floor.
If you don't remove the grease in time, the stains will become difficult to remove. In addition, you can slip on a slippery floor.
To solve the problem, you can resort to one effective life hack that our grandmothers loved to use.
First, it is important to remove the grease with an old rag or paper towel. This will make the floor cleaner.
After removing the main fat, it is important to move on to the next step. This involves using the most common sand or potato starch.
Sprinkle the selected product onto the problem area and then begin rubbing it into the surface.
After the manipulations have been carried out, you should start washing the floor. To do this, you need to add a little detergent or vinegar to a bucket of warm water.
By using this life hack, you will be able to enjoy the result. The fat will go away, and the floor surface will become incredibly clean.
Previously, we talked about what the symbols on clothing labels mean.