To attract monetary energy into your life, it is useful to put a pinch of cinnamon and a few mint leaves in your wallet.
Our ancestors already tested that these plants have the ability to attract money to their owner.
To increase your income, you need to place a so-called money tree in the south-east sector of your home or office. Bury any 7 coins near the roots of the tree, and put red paper or fabric under the pot.
All documents related to mandatory monthly payments (pay books and receipts) must be kept in a special folder, preferably red.
This will help you avoid potential payment problems, and in addition, you will have money to pay off your debt faster (if there is any, of course).
It is best to keep cash in the house in the eastern, possibly southeastern part of your home in red envelopes.
It is believed that this way money will not only be saved, but also multiplied. Jewelry should be stored in the northwest part of the house or apartment.
Traditionally, money is not counted or given out of the house after sunset. However, if unforeseen circumstances occur, you must neutralize the possible consequences.
When paying, do not give money directly into your hands - put it on the table, and let the person for whom the amount is intended pick up the money.
Do not count other people's incomes, and do not discuss them. In this case, you are very likely to not have your own money! A negative attitude towards rich people, condemning and discussing them only brings your own poverty closer.
This circumstance should be taken "into account" by those people who have such a habit. If you radiate such energy into the Universe, then you thereby signal it that being rich is bad, and you do not need money.
If you follow these simple rules, you will greatly improve your financial situation.
It’s never too late to change your life to suit yourself – at any age, and under any circumstances.
Previously, we talked about how to get rid of midges in your apartment in no time using effective, but very simplemethods .