Every housewife has such a product as flour in her house. It helps in preparing various dishes.
Few people know that flour can help not only in cooking, but also in other matters.
With the arrival of warm weather, pests such as ants may appear. Of course, chemicals can help in the fight against them, but it is better to resort to a safer option - corn flour.
If you sprinkle flour in the problem area, the ants will definitely disappear.
It turns out that you can make glue from flour.
Take 1 cup of flour and combine it with a pinch of salt and 3 cups of water. Mix well and then put on the fire. Cook for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly.
Next, you need to let the glue cool down a little. When it cools down, it is suitable for creating crafts and appliques.
Now you know how to use flour in a variety of non-cooking activities.
We previously reported on the creation of a home air freshener .