Today is Saturday, July 27: the 209th day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. The year will end in 157 days.
The sun will rise at 4:27 Moscow time, and at 20:47 it will go below the horizon. At 12:37 the luminary will be at its zenith.
Daylight hours will last 16 hours 20 minutes, and darkness will last 7 hours 40 minutes.
Week 5 after Pentecost. No fast. Commemoration day of the Apostle of the 70 Aquila and the Venerable Nicodemus of the Holy Mountain.
Name days: John, Nicodemus, Onesimus, Stefan.
Today, Russia celebrates Trade Worker's Day. Also, the Russian Federation celebrates MFC (Multifunctional Center) Worker's Day today.
Finland celebrates Dormouse Day on July 27, and the DPRK celebrates Victory Day in the Patriotic War (Korean War) today.
Today, Vietnam honors the memory of the victims of the Vietnam War.
July 27, 1147 is one of the dates of the foundation of Moscow.
In 1827, the first insurance company appeared in the Russian Empire.
In 1922, the Adyghe Autonomous Region was formed.
In 1943, the Fascist Party ceased to exist in Italy.
In 1952, the Volga-Don Canal was opened.
In 1824, the writer Alexandre Dumas the Younger was born.
In 1903, People's Artist of the USSR, actor Nikolai Cherkasov was born.
In 1925, Hero of the Soviet Union, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya's brother Alexander was born.
In 1936, People's Artist of the USSR Maris Liepa was born.
The sun hid behind the clouds at sunrise – it will rain during the day.
The weather has become dry – it will be warm in autumn.
There are a lot of seagulls swimming in the ponds – there will still be good days.
If it rains on Akil's day, the damp weather will last for a week.