What holiday is today: December 7, 2024 - events and signs of the day of Katerina Sannitsa

07.12.2024 00:01

Today is Saturday, December 7: day 342 of the Gregorian year. The year ends in 24 days.

The sun will rise at 8:45 Moscow time, and at 15:59 it will go below the horizon. At 12:22 the luminary will be at its zenith.

Daylight hours will last 7 hours 13 minutes, and darkness will last 16 hours 47 minutes.

Church holidays

Week 24 after Pentecost. Nativity Fast. Afterfeast of the Entry into the Temple. Commemoration Day of the Great Martyr Catherine.

Name days: Mark, Mitrofan, Alexander, Ivan, Evgeniy, Mikhail, Ekaterina, Alexey, Grigory, Porfiry.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

Secular holidays

Today, Russia celebrates the Day of the Engineering and Aviation Service of the Russian Aerospace Forces.

On December 7, the world celebrates International Civil Aviation Day.

In Armenia it is Remembrance Day for the victims of the Spitak earthquake, and in the USA it is Remembrance Day (the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941).

Events of December 7

In 1917, the United States declared war on Austria-Hungary as part of World War I.

In 1934, the Kirov, Omsk, Orenburg regions and Krasnoyarsk Krai were formed.

In 1982, the death penalty by lethal injection was carried out for the first time in Texas, USA.

In 2021, 10 stations of the Big Circle Line of the Moscow Metro opened.

Who was born on December 7th

In 1910, the Minister of Culture of the USSR (1960–1974) Ekaterina Furtseva was born.

In 1926, People's Artist of the RSFSR, actor Pyotr Velyaminov was born.

In 1959, singer and musician Sergei Mazaev was born.

In 1977, the vocalist of the group "Zveri" Roma Zver (Roman Bilyk) was born.

Folk omens

The day was clear and frosty – a sign of a cold winter. Cloudy – a sign of a mild winter.

If it snows on St. Catherine's Day, it foretells a long winter.

The southern wind promises a warm winter, the northern wind promises severe frosts.

Author: Dmitry Bobrov Editor of Internet resources

  1. Church holidays
  2. Secular holidays
  3. Events of December 7
  4. Who was born on December 7th
  5. Folk omens