Today is December 2, Monday: day 337 of the Gregorian year. The year will end in 29 days.
The sun will rise at 8:38 Moscow time, and at 16:02 it will go below the horizon. At 12:20 the luminary will be at its zenith.
Daylight hours will last 7 hours 24 minutes, and darkness will last 16 hours 36 minutes.
Week 24 after Pentecost. Nativity Fast. Prophet Obadiah's Day of Remembrance.
Name days: Porfiry, Denis, Dmitry, Fedor, Mikhail, Valentin, Konstantin, Alexander, Sergey, Ignatius.
Today, Russia celebrates Bank Worker Day.
On December 2, the world celebrates 2D Artist Day and International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.
Today is Independence Day in the UAE, and Revolutionary Armed Forces Day in Cuba.
In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte proclaimed himself Emperor of France.
In 1976, Fidel Castro became President of Cuba.
In 1993, drug lord Pablo Escobar was killed.
In 2010, Russia won the right to host the 2018 FIFA World Cup.
In 1923, opera singer Maria Callas was born.
In 1946, designer Gianni Versace was born.
Actress Lucy Liu was born in 1968.
In 1981, singer Britney Spears was born.
If there is snow that does not melt, then you should expect a long and snowy winter.
Severe frosts are expected if bright stars shine on this day.
Cloudy weather means a long winter.
The wind is changing direction – sudden changes in weather are expected.