Naumov Day is celebrated on December 14 in the Orthodox calendar.
This day is special because at this time children were sent to school.
On Naumov's day, it is absolutely forbidden to quarrel or argue. Otherwise, conflicts can lead to misfortunes in the family.
Today, you shouldn't read books at the table. It is believed that everything you read at this moment will be forgotten.
If you give alms, try not to look into the eyes of the person receiving your gifts.
It is believed that this may lead to you finding yourself in a difficult situation or debt.
It is not recommended to go outside alone at night.
At this time, it was believed that evil forces could bewitch a person, taking away his memory.
After serious matters and conversations, you should not look in the mirror, as everything said will turn out to be empty.
Before leaving the house, be sure to wash your face to protect yourself from illnesses and troubles during this time.
It is not a good idea to start new projects at this time.
This day is considered unfavorable for undertakings that may bring disappointment.
On Naum's Day it is customary to pray to Saint Naum for children and ask for help in their studies.
At this time, prayers will be answered.
If you want to share wisdom or set someone on the right path, this day will be most successful.
On this day it is useful to buy books, manuals or pay for tuition.
This is a time when investments in knowledge will be especially successful.