Folk omens for September 1, 2024: what do low-flying cranes mean

01.09.2024 07:00

Traditionally, on September 1, according to the folk calendar, the holiday of the Icon of the Giver of Mind is celebrated.

This holiday is best known for the fact that it is on this day, according to beliefs, that one should pay attention to the weather.

Thus, in particular, it was believed that whatever the weather was like during the day, that would be the entire autumn.

If the cranes fly high and slowly, the autumn period will be very warm.

Are the cranes hiding in their nests? The whole of next autumn will bring rain.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

Also on September 1st, the following people traditionally celebrate their name days: Andrey, Nikolay, Timofey, Thekla, Feofan.

It is believed that people with the above names are quite good at attracting attention to themselves.

These individuals, as a rule, are able to work with professions that are somehow connected with the people around them.

It is quite easy for such people to build a business; they will always find followers in what concerns their own business.

Weather signs

A warm southern wind is blowing – the oat harvest will be excellent.

There are a few clouds visible in the sky – it will be clear, but cold.

Fog is floating over the ground in the morning – there will be a lot of snow in the winter.

It's a dry day - winter will come very late.

The leaves on the birch trees turn yellow, which means a quiet and warm autumn.

Author: Margarita Sadkovskaya Editor of Internet resources