Drinking too much orange juice is harmful.
By drinking just one glass of juice daily, a person increases the amount of sugar in his diet.
Orange juice is rich in fructose and is acidic in nature, so drinking it in excess can be harmful to the body.
Too much fiber can cause digestive problems, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.
Due to its acidic properties, the drink will cause severe heartburn, writes Lybrate .
Considering that most people's diets contain excess sugar, drinking too much orange juice can lead to weight gain.
Many people believe that drinking juice in the morning will bring a lot of benefits. However, one nuance should be taken into account:
Orange juice has a number of benefits that help promote health.
A glass of orange juice lowers blood pressure and improves blood circulation.
Due to its properties, orange juice helps reduce inflammation.
Previously reported about 4 reasons why you want orange juice.