A good sneeze brings many benefits to the body, but it can cause serious injuries.
Sneezing can cause ruptured lungs, broken ribs, intestinal injuries, and a host of other health consequences.
Scientists have found that sneezing can be unsafe and can lead to a stroke or fracture, writes Mail Online .
From a medical point of view, sneezing is considered a powerful release of air that helps to get rid of all kinds of irritants in the nose.
This usually happens when foreign substances enter the nose. In this case, the body's natural reaction can have unpleasant consequences in the form of injury to the body.
There are reasons why a sneeze could land you in hospital, according to Lancaster University anatomy expert Professor Adam Taylor.
As a result of the study, scientists found that one sneeze can be enough to break ribs, rupture lungs and delicate brain tissue, and damage eardrums.
Taylor stressed that sneezing especially hard when the meninges are weak will cause them to rupture and cause a stroke.
When sneezing, you should not hold your breath. You also should not prevent sneezing.
When sneezing, you should open your mouth and cover it with a napkin.
Previously, non-obvious reasons were named due to which one can be left without hair .