Insufficient chewing of food can be a hidden culprit of various unpleasant problems.
Chewing enough is important for your health. But many people don't pay attention to what happens when they don't chew.
The digestion process begins not in the stomach, but in the mouth, experts remind.
The first stage of digestion is chewing, which reduces the size of food and activates the salivary glands.
The enzymes contained in saliva break down carbohydrates and fats respectively.
The fact is that saliva triggers the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, thereby helping it to prepare for the ingestion of food.
Not everyone knows about three hidden signs of various dangerous problems due to improper chewing of food.
Heartburn after eating is an unpleasant sensation. It occurs when a person does not chew food completely and the stomach does not have enough hydrochloric acid for proper digestion.
Not chewing enough will lead to intestinal problems.
If food is not chewed enough, bacteria in the intestines can ferment undigested food and multiply. This leads to bloating, gas, and constipation.
Chewing helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In insufficiently chewed food, nutrients are not broken down completely, which makes it difficult for them to be absorbed in the small intestine.
Previously, we reported which products contribute to skin problems.