If cacti grow in the ground, gardeners probably don't need to worry about water.
Cacti growing in pots require special watering rules.
Proper watering is one of the most important things in caring for potted cacti.
The soil should be allowed to dry out completely between waterings. Once the soil has dried out, the cactus should be watered generously.
The plant should not remain dry for several days, weeks or months.
The cactus should be watered so that water flows freely through the drainage holes.
Then the pot should stand in water for several hours so that the soil can be thoroughly saturated with water.
Soil that does not dry out thoroughly between waterings will cause the plant to rot and die.
At the same time, overdried soil will lead to the cactus using up all the water from its reserves and dying.
The amount of water for a cactus should be determined by the size of the pot and the amount of light the cactus receives.