Want to be rich? Don't be friends with pessimists

27.09.2024 20:15

Thomas C. Corley, author of the book on the habits of millionaires, Change Your Habits, Change Your Life, after many years of observing people who have achieved financial success, came to a fundamental conclusion - the rich avoid pessimists.

"Whoever is friends with whom, becomes like his friend" - this is roughly how one can describe the opinion of rich people about choosing their environment. Who we spend time with matters. Successful people know this very well.

Self-made people choose their friends carefully.

You are only as successful as the people you surround yourself with. Rich people always look for friends and acquaintances who set ambitious goals, set specific standards, are optimistic, enthusiastic and generally positive.

86% of wealthy people have a habit of associating with people who have achieved success. They try to minimize contact with those they consider negative or pessimistic individuals.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

You won't succeed if you're surrounded by pessimists.

We all imitate the people we associate with. If we surround ourselves with positive, success-oriented people who are successful, we begin to be like that ourselves.

Long-term success can be achieved if we maintain a positive attitude.

He is not the only one who sees a connection between pessimism and failure, and between company choice and financial success. More than 100 years ago, Napoleon Hill, a forerunner of the personal success literature, came to similar conclusions after studying more than 500 millionaires.

- A person gets his strength, habits and mentality from those with whom he associates. A person who surrounds himself with pessimists has no chance of success, Hill wrote.

Earlier I told you how a poor person can become rich.

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Director