How to learn to convince people

06.12.2024 20:15

A person, interacting with other people, always expects recognition of his position and for this he must be able to prove it.

But on the one hand, eloquence, and on the other, delivery.

Proper presentation of information often helps to win an argument, even in spite of the opponent's very logical counterarguments.

Moreover, situations can be completely different. Any person wants to learn how to convince people, be it a salesperson in a store or the chief manager of a large company. And if you do not have the gift of persuasion by nature, you can acquire it by studying persuasion techniques.

There are entire communication trainings that can help you become a successful conversationalist. But to begin with, just try to follow a few simple rules in communication.

Photo: Pixabay

First of all, keep a physical distance when talking. The internal boundary may vary for everyone, but it is not less than 20 cm.

Violation of the intimate zone can cause instinctive irritation in your interlocutor, and you will definitely not be able to convince him of anything.

Having a good command of speech, do not forget about non-verbal means of communication, which, at the subconscious level, create a feeling of acceptance or rejection in your interlocutor.

For example, arms crossed on the chest is a very closed pose, and it will not lead to establishing a strong contact. But gestures with open palms indicate that your intentions are pure, you trust your interlocutor, and he can also trust you.

When talking, address the person by name more often. The sound of your own name is always pleasant. But it is important not to overdo it.

When you want to convince someone of something, ask mostly open questions that force the other person to answer the question in full. They start with the words: what, how, when. This way you let the person know that you are really interested in his opinion.

There is also a very simple rule of three Yeses. It consists of the fact that if a person answered "yes" to your first three statements, then with a probability of 80% he will also answer affirmatively to the next question.

These simple rules are the foundations of productive communication. And of course, in order to successfully persuade people, you need to try to create a good impression of yourself and a friendly atmosphere of conversation.

Earlier I talked about how to properly reward staff.

Author: Vitaly Kisterny Director