Every housewife dreams of preparing the perfect and delicious pilaf that will please everyone in the family without exception.
It is quite easy to achieve high results in preparing this dish.
Chef and fourth-class baker Yulia Arkhipova told us what exactly you should pay attention to if you want to enjoy your own pilaf.
According to the expert, it is recommended to refrain from making common mistakes.
Many housewives do not consider it necessary to wash rice before cooking it.
However, it is necessary to do this, and in several waters. This will rid the cereal of starch.
It will not be enough to simply pour water into the container in which you cook pilaf.
The liquid should be added along the wall of the pan or cauldron. It is also worth considering that the water should be two centimeters higher than the rice level.
Do not pour boiling water over the rice, otherwise the grains will stick together.
Use only cold water. Its temperature should not be higher than room temperature.
Previously we talked about what to do if yeast dough does not rise.