It's no secret that raisins are a storehouse of useful substances.
However, if dried grapes are added to water, it can become a detoxifying agent.
Let's figure out how to prepare raisin water and how it helps the body.
Raisin water helps to get rid of toxins and also cleanses the liver.
It is also good for digestion, as it contains fiber and speeds up metabolism.
And there is very little sugar in this drink, so it is safe for your figure. Therefore, it is recommended for those who are contraindicated to regular raisins.
Unlike a decoction, raisin water is prepared by pouring dried fruits over them and letting them steep.
Rinse the dark raisins (they are considered more suitable for making the drink), and then pour one glass of raisins into three glasses of warm water.
The drink should be infused for 12 hours and then drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. It is recommended to detox with raisin water once a month for 4-5 days.