Whole loaf or already sliced bread? Many do not ask this question and just buy, but in vain.
Experts do not recommend buying sliced bread and cite several reasons.
Additional additives are often added to the dough for sliced bread so that the product can be stored longer and does not become moldy.
When bread does go bad, sometimes mold of an unusual orange color appears. This once again confirms that the product is stuffed with "chemicals".
“Additional ingredients” are added not only to the dough, but the slices themselves are also treated with preservatives.
Compositions based on ascorbic acid and ethyl alcohol are often used.
Everyone loves soft, fluffy and literally "breathing" loaves and bread. But sliced products lose these important properties faster.
If additives are not used, such bread will also become moldy faster.
Sliced bread often costs more than a whole loaf of the same weight.
It cannot be called more useful, so there is no point in overpaying.