The problem of excess weight is very common and 40% of the world's population suffers from it.
There are thousands of weight loss methods on the Internet and in magazines, but not all of them are truly effective and, what is important, safe for health.
Fasting days are considered the ideal option for quick weight loss.
A fasting day is an ideal way to lose extra pounds in an extremely short period of time.
Before carrying out a fasting day in the evening for dinner, drink a glass of kefir, thus you will prepare the body for fasting. Such days can be carried out no more than once a week.
In this case, depending on your initial weight, you can lose up to 4 kilograms in a month.
A fasting day on oatmeal is light and healthy for the body, because of the protein content in the porridge, hunger will not torment you throughout the day.
Oatmeal is cooked without sugar and oil, for a glass of porridge you need 600 grams of water. Divide the finished porridge into five equal meals and eat throughout the day, you can also drink coffee without sugar and no more than 1.5 liters of water.
The apple fasting day is easily tolerated by the body, but is strictly contraindicated for people with high acidity. You should eat one and a half kilograms of apples per day, which is 650 calories.
Apples can be eaten not only raw, but also baked and made into natural juice. You can drink water and green tea without sugar throughout the day.
A cucumber fasting day is a popular option for emergency weight loss. This product has a small amount of calories, 26 calories per 100 grams, and you can eat one and a half kilograms per day.
It is recommended to have such a fasting day no more than once a week, and you can lose about 800 grams per day.
The essence of the drinking diet and fasting day is to eat only liquid food for a certain period of time. During this fasting day, you should carefully count calories so as not to overeat.
You can eat smoothies, cream soup and drinks. You can drink coffee, water and tea in unlimited quantities. The main advantage of such a fasting day is the ability to consume all products in a liquid state.
Watermelon fasting day is an option for emergency summer weight loss. Despite the fact that it contains sugar, watermelon has a small amount of calories (63 calories per 100 grams of product).
The fasting period lasts three days, after which you will lose up to three kilograms of weight. This diet cleanses the body, but is contraindicated for people with kidney disease.
Due to the carbohydrate content, during this fasting day, actively engage in sports, it is better to spend such a day when you are at home all the time. You can only drink water.
For reference
Diet is a set of rules for food consumption by a person or another animal.