What Kitchen Items Will Help Attract Wealth: Check If You Have Them

10.05.2024 16:01

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that all things have their own specific energy.

Moreover, some items help to attract prosperity into the home.

Designer Yulia Tychino explained what things in the kitchen can attract wealth.

Mirrors and plants

You can hang a mirror in the kitchen. It should be placed so that it reflects the source of fire, which can be the stove.

This will help activate the right energy. It is only important to ensure that the mirror is always clean.

Photo: © TUT NEWS

Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur.

It is believed that certain plants also help to attract prosperity into the home.

For example, pots of sage, rosemary or mint can be placed on the kitchen window. However, they should not wilt under any circumstances.

Yellow things

Yellow is associated with wealth. Therefore, items of this shade will help attract prosperity.

You can use a couple of such items in the kitchen. It can be dishes, decor or textiles.

Round shape and spices

Round objects can symbolize infinity, including in the financial sphere.

Therefore, you can put a round table or dishes in the kitchen.

Some spices also have powerful energy. Moreover, they can attract wealth to the house.

Therefore, it would be a good idea to keep ginger, cloves and vanilla in the kitchen.

Earlier, the expert explained how to choose suitable photo wallpaper for the kitchen.

Author: Tatyana Khitrushko Editor of Internet resources
Expert: Julia Tychino Expert / HERE NEWS

  1. Mirrors and plants
  2. Yellow things
  3. Round shape and spices