Many housewives choose wallpaper based solely on personal preferences.
However, in reality, this approach is not correct, because one or another pattern on the wallpaper can in fact change the room beyond recognition.
Professional designer Yulia Tychino told us which materials you should never choose for decorating your home.
According to the expert, this type of wallpaper will only harm the apartment.
The fact is that black and its shades can visually reduce the size of a room.
Dark tones are suitable only if you are the owner of a spacious and wide home.
Bold geometric shapes and large patterns in general can also "cut up" a room.
The same applies to photo wallpapers, which are loved by many housewives.
This type of design is long gone and it is worth choosing something else instead.
Wallpaper with repeating elements can only be used if combined with plain materials.
Previously, we talked about how to best choose the color of wallpaper for a multi-room apartment.