Some of the habits of hamsters can sometimes be a bit confusing.
For example, these animals can rest and sleep for a long time.
And there may be several reasons for such behavior of the pet.
With the onset of cold weather, hamsters may spend more time sleeping.
In this way they adapt to changing conditions.
In addition, the pet sleeps more when the temperature and amount of lighting in the room change.
Stressful situations can also affect the animal's activity.
For example, a pet may be very scared of something.
In this case, he will try to hide and sleep for a long time.
If a once active and cheerful hamster starts sleeping a lot, you should be concerned.
After all, this may indicate that the animal may be feeling unwell.
Therefore, in this situation it is worth examining the rodent and observing it for some time.
If you have other symptoms, you should sound the alarm, as this may indicate the development of diseases.
In addition, the reason for such behavior of the hamster may lie in the diet.
The animal will become apathetic and sleep a lot if its diet is unbalanced and lacks all the necessary microelements.
Disturbing a sleeping animal is not the best idea. After all, its reaction to this can be quite aggressive.
In such a case, the disturbed pet may become quite irritable.
The animal may also perceive this as the presence of some kind of danger. As a result, this may cause stress.
Earlier we wrote about how to understand that a hamster is sick.