It's no secret that a cat perceives a hand with spread fingers as at least a threat to itself.
The animal will either get scared if you bring it to it, or it will run away.
Let's figure out what causes this behavior of the animal.
A cat perceives a person differently than we perceive our pets. For an animal, a person is nothing more than another big cat.
And since cats are quite pugnacious, nature has embedded the following instinct in them: to resolve all contentious issues before a fight begins.
To do this, individuals show each other a paw with spread claws. And the one who thinks that his paw is smaller will be forced to retreat.
Therefore, when a person shows a cat a hand that imitates a paw with spread claws, the animal reacts accordingly.
If she considers you the leader, she will simply run away. If you are on equal terms, the animal will attack you and bite you.
Earlier we listed 11 reasons why a cat sits near the door.