There are many dog breeds that are renowned for their excellent temperaments and ability to get along with other pets, including cats.
If you want to add a four-legged friend to your family, but already have a cat, then you should focus on the following dog breeds that usually get along with cats.
This dog breed is world famous for its good-natured and affectionate nature.
Labradors are friendly and love the company of other animals, including cats. They can easily adapt to a new friend and become good companions.
These dogs are also known for their friendly and affectionate nature.
Golden Retrievers are highly intelligent and trainable, making them ideal for living with cats.
They also have patience and calmness, which makes it easy to interact with other animals.
This dog breed is famous for its friendly nature and friendly attitude towards other animals.
Beagles have a playfulness and energy that can make them good companions for cats. They also have a good sense of humor and are willing to play and have fun with other animals.
These dogs have a calm and balanced nature, which makes them excellent partners for cats.
Basset Hounds have charm and intelligence, which helps them get along with other animals. They are also friendly and affectionate pets.
This breed of dog is known for its intelligence and devotion to its owner. Shelties have excellent socialization and trainability, which makes them excellent partners for cats.
They are also playful and cheerful, which helps them get along well with their furry friends.
It is important to remember that each dog has its own character and individual characteristics, so before choosing a breed, you should pay attention to the distinctive features of each specific dog.
Regardless of breed, proper training, socialization and attention to animals help them find a common language and easily tolerate being around other pets.
Earlier we wrote about why a cat sleeps on a person’s stomach.