Maine Coon: What You Need to Know Before Purchasing

13.02.2024 06:10

The Maine Coon is a large breed of cat that originated in North America.

The name of the breed is the name of the state where the breed originated and the English word "racoon".

On average, the cost of a purebred cat is from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, a female cat – from 25 to 35 thousand rubles.

Description of the breed

Maine Coon is the second largest breed in the world. Representatives of this breed have thick long hair, tassels on the ears, they have well-developed muscles, a "box"-shaped head, oval eyes located at a wide distance from each other.
Maine Coon can be any color:
1. Tortoiseshells
2. Smoky
3. Reds
4. Black
5. Striped
6. With white spots
7. Whites
8. Blue

Differences from other breeds

The main feature that distinguishes Maine Coons from other cats is their size. The weight of an adult cat is up to 10 kg. They can reach from 25 to 41 cm in height, and the length of the body with the tail is up to 121 cm. Maine Coons also have tassels on their ears, which is why many people resemble a lynx.

Photo: Pixabay

A large, long tail, almost the size of the cat itself, is also a hallmark of the breed.

Maine Coons have well-developed muscles. It is also worth noting how these cats drink water: they dip their paw in the water and then lick it off.

In addition to external differences, there is a difference in character. Maine Coons are somewhat similar to dogs in character: they are independent, humane, love to play, and are also easy to train.

Representatives of this breed love to talk, owners often hear them purring, meowing and all sorts of sounds that cats are capable of.

The average lifespan of a cat is 12-13 years. However, the oldest Maine Coon cat is 26 years old and this is a world record for longevity.

Maine Coons are picky eaters. They need special food for this breed. Boiled meat is suitable from natural food products, trout, salmon, etc. from fish. It is important to exclude additives in the form of salt and spices.

Interesting facts about Maine Coons

1. In the past, Maine Coons were considered good luck charms and were taken on ships.
2. At the stage of the breed's origin, a sixth finger on the paw was often encountered. Now, this is considered a breed defect.
3. Maine Coons are easy to train.
4. A Maine Coon starred in a Harry Potter film.
5. The Maine Coon is the only breed of cat that chooses its owner.
6. Representatives of the breed get along well with other animals. Suitable for families with children.
Maine Coon is a wonderful breed of cat that can get along with other animals. It is well suited for families with children and will become a great friend.

Previously, we listed dog breeds suitable for apartment living.

Author: Valeria Kisternaya Editor of Internet resources

  1. Description of the breed
  2. Differences from other breeds
  3. Interesting facts about Maine Coons